Justices Empower Parents and Strengthen School Choice

This week, a 6-3 majority of the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a strong message on behalf of parents seeking a better education for their kids. In Carson v. Makin, the justices ruled that Maine’s educational choice program was wrongly denying the participation of certain schools based on their religious faith.

The ability of parents to set the course of their children’s education is one of the core fundamentals of our country. Unfortunately, many low- and middle-income families are left trapped in a school that just isn’t right because of financial need. School choice is an opportunity to re-focus and re-build our educational programs to support students—not systems.

Educational choice initiatives have never been more important after the recent years of virtual learning. Parents finally got a glimpse into what their children were actually being taught. Many of the families I talk to are eager to get their kids into a learning environment that better fits their needs and their values. Who can blame them?

This most recent Supreme Court ruling is actually the second time the high court declared school choice programs should include faith-based programs. In a 2020 decision, the Court rejected arguments that allowing religious schools to receive tuition funds violated the First Amendment. Religious schools aren’t asking for some special carve out. They’re only working to serve students and help them reach their full potential.

School choice isn’t just a far off issue in Maine or Washington, D.C. The work to help students succeed is happening right here in Kentucky. Last year, the Kentucky General Assembly created the Education Opportunity Account Act program, making nearly 400,000 students eligible to receive privately-donated assistance for their educational pursuits.

Opponents of educational choice programs will argue that we should simply cut bigger checks to public schools every year. Well, when the General Assembly created the EOA Act in 2021, they also passed an additional $140 million for public education programs on the very same day. School choice isn’t about tearing down public schools. It’s about building up students to become the best citizens they can be.

As your next State Representative, I plan to firmly support school choice programs as well as public schools in Kentucky. Today’s students will be tomorrow’s leaders, and we should empower them and their families to customize the right learning environment to fit their needs.


Kyle Whalen
Candidate for State Representative